Jirapat Pitpreecha
MINDSCAPEJirapat Pitpreecha's PaintingsEver since he put up his first exhibition during his college years, Jirapat Pitpreecha's prolific career in abstract paintings has been capturing the public's imagination for almost four decades. 
Jirapat Pitpreecha was born in 1956 in Trang, a southern province in Thailand near the Andaman Sea. Its beautiful scenery and his early exposure to Chinese traditional art books, which mostly had natural theme, have led him to pursue his interest in water color abstract paintings. In his works, the splendor of the nature is portrayed through the simplification of shapes using precise and swift brush strokes with different intensity of colors.
His first solo exhibition took place in 1984 after completing his Master of Art (Painting) from a university in New York. The exhibition displaying abstract art through water color as the medium was highly acclaimed and was considered quite revolutionary for the thai art scene at the time, where water color was mostly used to portray landscapes or still life.The success of his first solo exhibition led to another abstract expressionist presentation, "Cityscape", in 1985. Professor Herbert P. Philips from USA praised Jirapat's works in the travelling exhibition "The Integrative Art of Modern Thailand" which travelled to different museums in the States as,"Recognized as one of Thailand most brilliant colorists , his work has been mostly in abstract expressionism…."
As Pablo Picasso said, "Nature is one, and paintings are another/ I paint objects as I think them, not as I see them.", Jirapat's paintings are reflections of his emotional impression upon the external world represented by his choices of colors.
Suchart Sawasdisri, one of the prominent writers in Thailand, once stated that "Jirapat's paintings truly reflect his signature through the swift and resolute brushstrokes soaked in intense colors. He broke free from forms and dimensions, and stepped further to demonstrate his 'impressions of colors'. The individuality of an abstract artist's choice of colors is comparable to a writer's imaginary world. They share similarities in elements while at the same time differ in terms of weight, intensity, tone, and order to 'let the colors create emotions instead of shapes and forms'."Jirapat's recent paintings in 2009-2010 are inspired by the beauty of urban and natural environment. He captured his impressions of light, colors, time and seasonal changes, which left and traced "color moods" in his memory. This vision was then expressed into spontaneous and fluid works in the same fashion as Gestural Abstract, as evident in his retrospective exhibition – "Inside Images – Images Insight". 
The painting "Autumn in Seoul 2009" which is also a part of this exhibition is the artist's interpretation of his lasting inspiration on the autumn scenery in Mount Sorak in Korea. "After the Gold Rush" is another demonstration of Jirapat's captured perception upon a sunrise scene where the sea's serene surface reflects the blazing sunrays as a farewell to the twilight.
Works from "Summer 2010", "The Evening Light", "Cloudscape", "Peaceful Moment" and "Loneliness" portray the artist's nostalgia and memories of the natural phenomena and beauty of time beyond the realistic and natural forms. He went deep into his mind to redefine shapes through formless re-creations that manifest his experiences and perceptions of his surroundings. Whether hot or cold, strong or gentle, windy or calm, all these seasons and atmosphere were translated into personal expressions on canvases. 

From the collection "Cityscape" in 1985, some pieces – "Cityscape" and "City Light" are inspired by the night light in urban areas to convey the lively moments through abstract visual elements.
In this exhibition, Jirapat freely expresses his subconscious mind and presents the prompt transformation of the abstract world into concrete works without any premeditated plan. The artist's various experiences are interpreted under his subconscious into ideas and imaginations before gradually forming into specific forms and compositions. He makes the colors sing by painting these beautiful and lively visions.Gregory Tsontakis Mally, a New York artist and scholar once said in the catalogue of Jirapat's solo exhibition at National Gallery, Bangkok:"I feel the artwork truly speaks for itself. It is about the beauty that is. I love the adventures, composition, and the knowledge that it is no problem to destroy parts of the painting to get to the new creation. I see the process of paintings. The struggle, the not knowing until it finally becomes visible. This is the stuff of art, all else is just practice."Jirapat Pitpreecha manifests his state of subconscious and spirituality through his distinctive brushstrokes and colors. Visitors should be open to the aesthetic that is distilled from the artist's accumulated experience in viewing and seeing life and art, and his liberated appreciation of the abstract. This is a journey into the mindscape of endless colors.

MINDSCAPE – 마음의 풍경이티 콘카쿨(Itthi Khonkhakul) 부교수 / 원로 화가 겸 작가지라팟 핏프레차의 회화 세계대학 재학 중 첫 전시회를 연 이후 지라팟 핏프레차(Jirapat Pitpreecha)가 선보인 탁월한 추상화 작품들은 40년에 가까운 시간 동안 대중의 마음을 사로잡아왔다.핏프레차는 1956년 안다만 해 연안에 있는 태국 남부 지방 트랑(Trang)에서 태어났다. 트랑 지방의 아름다운 풍광 속에서 자라나면서 어린 시절부터 주로 자연을 소재로 한 중국 전통예술 서적을 접한 핏프레차는 추상 수채화에 관심을 두게 되었다. 그의 작품들은 정밀하고 신속한 붓 놀림으로 색채의 농담을 다양하게 조절하면서 형태를 단순화시킴으로써 자연의 아름다움을 표현하고 있다.
핏프레차는 뉴욕에 있는 한 대학에서 회화 전공으로 석사과정을 마친 후 1984년에 첫 개인 전시회를 열었다. 수채를 미디엄(medium)으로 활용한 추상예술 작품을 선보인 이 전시회는 평단의 찬사를 받았으며, 주로 풍경화나 정물화에 수채를 활용하던 당시의 태국 미술계에서는 상당히 혁명적인 시도로 평가 받았다.
첫 개인 전시회의 성공을 바탕으로 핏프레차는 1985년 '시티스케이프 – 도시의 풍경(Cityscape)'을 제목으로 하여 또 한 차례의 추상 표현주의 전시회를 개최했다. 미국의 허버트 P. 필립스(Herbert P. Philips) 교수는 미국 내 여러 박물관을 돌며 개최된 순회 전시회 '현대 태국의 통합 미술(The Integrative Art of Modern Thailand)'에 전시된 그의 작품에 대해 다음과 같은 찬사를 보냈다.
"태국 최고의 화가 중 한 명으로 꼽히는 핏프레차는 추상 표현주의를 주로 추구해왔다. (후략)"
"자연은 자연이고 회화는 회화이다. 나는 내 눈에 비치는 대로가 아니라 내가 생각하는 대로 사물을 그려낸다"는 파블로 피카소(Pablo Picasso)의 말처럼, 핏프레차의 회화 작품은 외부 세계에 대한 작가의 정서적 인상을 자신이 선택한 색채를 통해 표현한 결과물이라고 할 수 있다.
태국의 저명 작가 수차르트 사와스디스리(Suchart Sawasdisri)는 언젠가 다음과 같은 말을 남긴 적이 있다. "핏프레차의 회화 작품은 강렬한 색채에 녹아 든 빠르고 단호한 붓 놀림을 통해 자신만의 특징을 진정으로 반영하고 있다. 그는 형태와 차원을 넘어 '색채에 대한 인상'을 표현하는 데까지 나아간다. 추상화가의 개성을 담은 색채 선택은 작가의 상상 속의 세계에 비유할 수 있다. 요소적인 측면에서는 유사점이 있지만 무게, 강도, 톤, 순서에는 차이가 드러나며, 이는 '모양과 형태 대신에 색채를 통해 감정을 표현'하기 위한 것이다."2009~2010년에 나온 핏프레차의 최근 작품들은 도시 및 자연환경의 아름다움에서 영감을 받았다. 핏프레차는 자신의 기억 속에 '색의 분위기(color moods)'를 남긴 빛, 색채, 시간, 계절적 변화에 대한 인상을 포착하고, 액션 페인팅(gestural abstract)과 동일한 방식으로 이러한 인상을 즉흥적이고 우아한 작품으로 표현해냈다. 이 같은 점은 그의 회고전 '이미지 속으로 – 이미지에 대한 통찰(Inside Images – Images Insight)'에서도 잘 드러난 바 있다.
이번 전시회에서 선보인 작품 중 하나인 '2009년 서울의 가을(Autumn in Seoul 2009)'은 핏프레차가 한국의 설악산 가을 풍경을 감상하면서 받은 깊은 영감을 회화로 풀어낸 작품이다. '골드러쉬 이후(After the Gold Rush)'는 일출을 바라보며 고요한 해수면에 비친 타는 듯한 햇살을 새벽에 부치는 작별 인사로 해석한 작가의 인식을 담은 작품이다.
'2010년 여름(Summer 2010)', '저녁의 빛(The Evening Light)', '클라우드스케이프 - 구름의 풍경(Cloudscape)', '평화로운 순간(Peaceful Moment),' '고독(Loneliness)' 등의 작품은 자연 현상에 대한 핏프레차의 향수와 기억, 그리고 사실적이고 자연스러운 형태를 넘어선 시간의 아름다움을 묘사하고 있다. 핏프레차는 자신의 마음 속 깊은 곳으로 침잠해 주변 환경에 대한 자신의 경험과 인식을 나타내는, 형태가 없는 재창조물(re-creations)을 통해 형태를 재정의한다. 날씨가 덥건 춥건, 파도가 거세건 약하건, 바람이 많이 불건 고요하건 간에, 이 모든 계절적 요소와 분위기는 캔버스 위에서 작가의 개인적 표현으로 재해석된다.
1985년 열린 '시티스케이프 – 도시의 풍경(Cityscape)' 전시회에 전시된 작품 중 '시티스케이프 – 도시의 풍경(Cityscape)', '도시의 빛(City Light)' 등은 도시 지역의 밤거리 불빛에서 영감을 얻은 것으로, 추상적인 시각 요소를 통해 생생한 순간을 전달하고자 한 작품이다.
이번 전시회에서 핏프레차는 자신의 무의식 세계를 자유롭게 표현하면서 사전 계획 없이 즉흥적으로 추상의 세계를 실체를 가진 작품으로 즉각 탈바꿈시킨다. 작가의 다양한 경험은 그 자신의 무의식 속에서 아이디어와 상상으로 해석된 뒤 서서히 명확한 형태와 구성을 갖추게 된다. 이렇게 아름답고 생동감 넘치는 상상들은 그림으로 옮겨져 색채의 향연으로 다시 태어난다.뉴욕에서 활동 중인 화가 겸 학자 그레고리 촌타키스 말리(Gregory Tsontakis Mally)는 핏프레차의 방콕 국립 미술관(National Gallery) 단독 전시회 카탈로그에 다음과 같은 글을 남겼다."나는 (핏프레차의) 회화 작품이 그 자체로 가치를 발한다고 생각한다. 작품의 아름다움이 스스로를 드러내는 것이다. 나는 모험적인 시도와 구성, 그리고 새로운 창조를 위해서라면 작품의 일부분을 부숴도 좋다는 마음가짐이 좋다. 작품이 만들어진 과정이 내 눈 앞에 펼쳐지는 듯하다. 작품이 마침내 눈에 보이는 실체로 탄생하면 과연 어떤 모습일지 전혀 알 수 없는 상태에서 작가는 지난한 투쟁을 계속해나갔으리라. 그래서 예술품인 것이다. 그 외의 것들은 모두 습작에 불과하다."핏프레차는 타 작가와 분명히 구분되는 붓 놀림과 색채를 통해 자신의 무의식과 영성을 드러낸다. 관객들은 인생과 예술을 관조하면서 축적된 작가의 경험과 추상에 대한 자유로운 감상에서 나온 미학을 열린 마음으로 즐기게 될 것이다. 이번 전시회는 끝도 없이 펼쳐진 색채들로 이루어진 마음의 풍경(mindscape)으로 떠나는 여행이라고 할 수 있다.
July 26 , 1956
B.E. ( Art Ed. ), Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok
M.A. ( Painting ) Long Island University , New York, U.S.A.

Artist Biography Solo Exhibitions

Paintings 1982-1984, Rotunda Gallery, Nelson Hays Library
" Cityscape " , The British Council Gallery, Bangkok
" Inside Images-Images Insight "
A Retrospective, the Art Center, Centers of Academic
Resources , Chulalongkorn University
Solo Exhibition "Paintings 1996-1997 " , The National Gallery, Thailand
Solo Exhibition " Seeing Through Nature " , Alexie Gallery , New York, U.S.A.
:Solo Exhibition , Recent Work , Coler Goldwater Art Gallery,Roosevelt Island New York , U.S.A.,
Space To Reflect, Jamjuree Art Gallery, Bangkok

Group Exhibitions






















Dhammar Group, The Bhirasri Institute of Modern Art
Hillwood Gallery, New York, U.S.A.
Hutchin Gallery, New York, U.S.A.
7 th Bua Luang Exhibition of Painting
Zeitgenossische Grafik Aus Thailand , Albrecht Durer Gesellschaft, Nurnberg, Germany.
Asean Exhibitions of Painting And Photography, The National Gallery, Bangkok and Asean Countries.
Silpa Bhirasri Arts Festival, The Art Gallery, Silpakorn University
29 th National Exhibition of Art, The Art Gallery, Silpakorn University
31 th National Exhibition of Art, The Art Gallery, Silpakorn University
TISCO Invitation, " TISCO " Public Company Limited , Bangkok
3 Artists, Thai – German Art Exhibition, E.E.C Delegation, Thai
Military Bank Building , Bangkok
Fukuoka Art Exhibition, Fukuoka ,Asian Art Museum, Japan.
ASEAN Exhibition OF Painting and Photography , 6 ASEAN Member Countries
Suchao Siskanes Art Exhibition, Bhirasri Institute of Modern Art
" Cityscape " The British Council Art Gallery, Bangkok
Thai Reflections on American Experiences, Bhirasri Institute of Modern Art, Bangkok
Samera Group, Southern Art Center, Songkla
Suchao Siskanes Foundation Invitation, The Artist Gallery, Bangkok.
White Group Exhibition of Water Colour ( Free Shape ) , National Cultural Center, Bangkok
2 nd Anniversary Exhibition, The Artist Gallery, Bangkok
The 2nd Federation of Asian Art Exhibition, Taman Melawati
Country Club. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Asian Water Colours, National Cultural Center and ASEAN Countries
5 th Busan Biennial, Busan, Republic of Korea
8+8 Thai – Malaysian Art Exhibition, The National Gallery
ASEAN Art Exhibition, National Art Gallery, Kuala Lumpur ,Malaysia
Small Art Exhibition, Silom Art Space, Bangkok
Artists Group Exhibition, Sara Jane Gallery, Bangkok
6 th Busan Biennial , Busan , Republic of Korea
The Commissioner of Busan Biiennial, City Hall, Busan , Republic of Korea
" The Integrity Art of Modern Thailand " 5 Museums in the United States of America,
The National Cultural Center , Bangkok
1 st Water Colour Exposition, Montien Hotel, Bangkok
In Memory of Suchao Siskanes, Art Forum Gallery, Bangkok
Exhibition of Two Painters, The National Gallery, Bangkok, Thailand
Sonorous Color:, Firehouse Gallery, New York, U.S.A
Art Exhibition of Natural Group, Akko Gallery
Art Exhibition for The Opening of Fine Art Gallery, Faculty of Visual
Art, Burapar University, Chonburi
Kuala Lumper Art Exhibition, Republic of Malaysia
Golden Jubilee Art Exhibition – 50 Years of Thai
Art, Queen Sirikit National Covention Center, Bangkok
Seacon Square Art Exhibition, Celebrate Golden Jubilee of the King
Naraesuan University Invitation, University Gallery, Phitsanulok, Thailand
Art in Trok Petch, Silapakorn University Invitation, Bangkok
Trok Petch, Bangkok, Thailand.
Nippon Water Colour Association Invitation, Osaka, Japan
"72 Years of King Bhumibol" Art Exhibition, Seacon
Square Organization, Bangkok, Thailand
Traveling Group Exhibition at Phuket Andaman, Phuket
"2000 Years 200 Ways" Group Exhibition, Three Universities, Thailand
Southern Artist Art show at Songklanakarin University, Songkla, Thailand
Art in box , Silpakorn Art Gallery , Bangkok
Landscape Painting , Maxx Hotel, Bangkok.
A post Reunion, 3 Artists Exhibition, Hillwood Gallery, New Youk, U.S.A.
Argentina Biennial, City Hall, Argentina
Visual Art Department Exhibition, Jamjuree Art Gallery Bangkok
Jamjuree Group Exhibition, Jamjuree Art Gallery, Bangkok
Invited Artist "Four visions"Color Space, Vachiravuj College
Art in Box, Art Centre, Silapakorn Gallery, Bangkok
Trang in Memories , State Tower, Bangkok
Seacon Square Art Exposition For The Queen 72nd Birthday, Bangkok, Thailand
Colorscape, Jamjuree Art Gallery , Bangkok
Online, on Color, Jamjuree Art Gallery , Bangkok
Yong – In International Art Exhibition , Yong in City ,Korea
" MIND " MEGA Art Expo ' 2006 National Gallery , Bangkok.
Sosa Beol International Art Exhibition , South Korea
Hauhin Documentary 2007 , Ban Silapin ,.
Hauhin Art Festival 2007 , Hauhin Market Village
Day Dreamer, Jamjuree Art Gallery , Bangkok
Artist License Gellery and Studuio , Adelaide, Australia
" Long March ", Artery, Silom Galleria , Bangkok
" Visual Art Department " Jamjuree Square, Bangkok
- Seacon Square Watercolour Art Exposition, Seacon Square Gallery , Bangkok
- Spring in White, Thai – Italian Art Exhibition, Bangkok Gallery
- Light of Life , Faculty of Fine & Applied Art, Chululongkorn University
Korea Contemporary Art Festival, Seoul Art Center, Seoul
Contemporary Artists Art Auction, Jamjuree Square, Bangkok
Winter Art Exhibition, Jamjuree Art Gallery, Bangkok
Visual Art Pathway, Nan Contemporary Art Gallery
Nake, Nude and Body , Artery, Silom Galleria, Bangkok
Contemporary Art Organized By Dhurakit Bandit University, Jamjuree Art Gallery, Bangkok
Art Instructors of Chulalongkorn University , The Art Center , Centers of Academic Resources, Bangkok
Art Auction, The Horseshoes Point Resort, Pattaya, Thailand
Visual Art Pathway, Krabi Contemporary Art Museum, Krabi

Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand
"TISCO" Public Company Limited
Siam Paetra International Co., Ltd.
The Artist Gallery
Maneeya Property Co.,Ltd.
Green Valley Property Co.,Ltd.
Gem Gallery Group Co.,Ltd.
Krabi Resort , Krabi
Meritime Park and Spa, Krabi
Supalai Public Company Limited
Renaissance Hotel , Bangkok
Rama 9 Art Organization
National Gallery, Bangkok
Jeffrey Cohen Attorney Co; LTD, New York, U.S.A.
Spa Advertising Co; LTD, Bangkok
작가 소개
July 26 , 1956
B.E. ( Art Ed. ), Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok
M.A. ( Painting ) Long Island University , New York, U.S.A.

작가 약력 개인전

Paintings 1982-1984, Rotunda Gallery, Nelson Hays Library
" Cityscape " , The British Council Gallery, Bangkok
" Inside Images-Images Insight "
A Retrospective, the Art Center, Centers of Academic
Resources , Chulalongkorn University
Solo Exhibition "Paintings 1996-1997 " , The National Gallery, Thailand
Solo Exhibition " Seeing Through Nature " , Alexie Gallery , New York, U.S.A.
:Solo Exhibition , Recent Work , Coler Goldwater Art Gallery,Roosevelt Island New York , U.S.A.,
Space To Reflect, Jamjuree Art Gallery, Bangkok

단체전 및 국제전






















Dhammar Group, The Bhirasri Institute of Modern Art
Hillwood Gallery, New York, U.S.A.
Hutchin Gallery, New York, U.S.A.
7 th Bua Luang Exhibition of Painting
Zeitgenossische Grafik Aus Thailand , Albrecht Durer Gesellschaft, Nurnberg, Germany.
Asean Exhibitions of Painting And Photography, The National Gallery, Bangkok and Asean Countries.
Silpa Bhirasri Arts Festival, The Art Gallery, Silpakorn University
29 th National Exhibition of Art, The Art Gallery, Silpakorn University
31 th National Exhibition of Art, The Art Gallery, Silpakorn University
TISCO Invitation, " TISCO " Public Company Limited , Bangkok
3 Artists, Thai – German Art Exhibition, E.E.C Delegation, Thai
Military Bank Building , Bangkok
Fukuoka Art Exhibition, Fukuoka ,Asian Art Museum, Japan.
ASEAN Exhibition OF Painting and Photography , 6 ASEAN Member Countries
Suchao Siskanes Art Exhibition, Bhirasri Institute of Modern Art
" Cityscape " The British Council Art Gallery, Bangkok
Thai Reflections on American Experiences, Bhirasri Institute of Modern Art, Bangkok
Samera Group, Southern Art Center, Songkla
Suchao Siskanes Foundation Invitation, The Artist Gallery, Bangkok.
White Group Exhibition of Water Colour ( Free Shape ) , National Cultural Center, Bangkok
2 nd Anniversary Exhibition, The Artist Gallery, Bangkok
The 2nd Federation of Asian Art Exhibition, Taman Melawati
Country Club. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Asian Water Colours, National Cultural Center and ASEAN Countries
5 th Busan Biennial, Busan, Republic of Korea
8+8 Thai – Malaysian Art Exhibition, The National Gallery
ASEAN Art Exhibition, National Art Gallery, Kuala Lumpur ,Malaysia
Small Art Exhibition, Silom Art Space, Bangkok
Artists Group Exhibition, Sara Jane Gallery, Bangkok
6 th Busan Biennial , Busan , Republic of Korea
The Commissioner of Busan Biiennial, City Hall, Busan , Republic of Korea
" The Integrity Art of Modern Thailand " 5 Museums in the United States of America,
The National Cultural Center , Bangkok
1 st Water Colour Exposition, Montien Hotel, Bangkok
In Memory of Suchao Siskanes, Art Forum Gallery, Bangkok
Exhibition of Two Painters, The National Gallery, Bangkok, Thailand
Sonorous Color:, Firehouse Gallery, New York, U.S.A
Art Exhibition of Natural Group, Akko Gallery
Art Exhibition for The Opening of Fine Art Gallery, Faculty of Visual
Art, Burapar University, Chonburi
Kuala Lumper Art Exhibition, Republic of Malaysia
Golden Jubilee Art Exhibition – 50 Years of Thai
Art, Queen Sirikit National Covention Center, Bangkok
Seacon Square Art Exhibition, Celebrate Golden Jubilee of the King
Naraesuan University Invitation, University Gallery, Phitsanulok, Thailand
Art in Trok Petch, Silapakorn University Invitation, Bangkok
Trok Petch, Bangkok, Thailand.
Nippon Water Colour Association Invitation, Osaka, Japan
"72 Years of King Bhumibol" Art Exhibition, Seacon
Square Organization, Bangkok, Thailand
Traveling Group Exhibition at Phuket Andaman, Phuket
"2000 Years 200 Ways" Group Exhibition, Three Universities, Thailand
Southern Artist Art show at Songklanakarin University, Songkla, Thailand
Art in box , Silpakorn Art Gallery , Bangkok
Landscape Painting , Maxx Hotel, Bangkok.
A post Reunion, 3 Artists Exhibition, Hillwood Gallery, New Youk, U.S.A.
Argentina Biennial, City Hall, Argentina
Visual Art Department Exhibition, Jamjuree Art Gallery Bangkok
Jamjuree Group Exhibition, Jamjuree Art Gallery, Bangkok
Invited Artist "Four visions"Color Space, Vachiravuj College
Art in Box, Art Centre, Silapakorn Gallery, Bangkok
Trang in Memories , State Tower, Bangkok
Seacon Square Art Exposition For The Queen 72nd Birthday, Bangkok, Thailand
Colorscape, Jamjuree Art Gallery , Bangkok
Online, on Color, Jamjuree Art Gallery , Bangkok
Yong – In International Art Exhibition , Yong in City ,Korea
" MIND " MEGA Art Expo ' 2006 National Gallery , Bangkok.
Sosa Beol International Art Exhibition , South Korea
Hauhin Documentary 2007 , Ban Silapin ,.
Hauhin Art Festival 2007 , Hauhin Market Village
Day Dreamer, Jamjuree Art Gallery , Bangkok
Artist License Gellery and Studuio , Adelaide, Australia
" Long March ", Artery, Silom Galleria , Bangkok
" Visual Art Department " Jamjuree Square, Bangkok
- Seacon Square Watercolour Art Exposition, Seacon Square Gallery , Bangkok
- Spring in White, Thai – Italian Art Exhibition, Bangkok Gallery
- Light of Life , Faculty of Fine & Applied Art, Chululongkorn University
Korea Contemporary Art Festival, Seoul Art Center, Seoul
Contemporary Artists Art Auction, Jamjuree Square, Bangkok
Winter Art Exhibition, Jamjuree Art Gallery, Bangkok
Visual Art Pathway, Nan Contemporary Art Gallery
Nake, Nude and Body , Artery, Silom Galleria, Bangkok
Contemporary Art Organized By Dhurakit Bandit University, Jamjuree Art Gallery, Bangkok
Art Instructors of Chulalongkorn University , The Art Center , Centers of Academic Resources, Bangkok
Art Auction, The Horseshoes Point Resort, Pattaya, Thailand
Visual Art Pathway, Krabi Contemporary Art Museum, Krabi

Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand
"TISCO" Public Company Limited
Siam Paetra International Co., Ltd.
The Artist Gallery
Maneeya Property Co.,Ltd.
Green Valley Property Co.,Ltd.
Gem Gallery Group Co.,Ltd.
Krabi Resort , Krabi
Meritime Park and Spa, Krabi
Supalai Public Company Limited
Renaissance Hotel , Bangkok
Rama 9 Art Organization
National Gallery, Bangkok
Jeffrey Cohen Attorney Co; LTD, New York, U.S.A.
Spa Advertising Co; LTD, Bangkok